junio 07, 2001

West Africa

Gimme some advice!

Do you know of any people / places / hotels / restaurants / bars / guides / resources in this country that you think would be unmissable?

I desperately need your advice, tips and recommendations. What's more, I have a memory like sliced slurry, and whatever you tell me in a drunken fug by the Thames is already gone: I need it written down.

Stick your advice in the comments - pleasepleaseplease, and I'll add it onto this main post as soon as I hit a country with a proper broadband connection...

Cheers, me dears...

This is the classic Cairo to Cape Town overland route, but in reverse, and cutting out Cairo and Sudan (been there! too many times), and adding in much more time in Kenya, plus visiting Madagascar.

I'll be in Cape Town, in South Africa in autumn 2007, then travel north through Lesotho, Durban, Madagascar, Lake Tanganyika, on to Lamu in Kenya, LAke Victoria, KAmpala, and ending up in Nairobi around January or February 2008: