marzo 18, 2006

Himalayan sun setting

Himalayan sun setting
Himalayan sun setting,
originally uploaded by digitalia.
They say everybody has a story.

Mine, right now, is that I've been stuck for a week in a shanty town between the borders of two countries, stateless in either; on one side a national transport strike called by Maoists and power / phone outages called by the King's men. On the other, three avalanches blocking a 5700m pass through the mountains around Everest.

avalanche ii

I am getting very sick of eating yak meat. I'm technically in Chinese territory (cough), so can't read blogs or BBC, or find weather/news in English.

Since Thursday, however, I have been able to get email: if anyone can find out the weather forecast for the Nyalam Pass, between Tingris and Zhuangmo, in Tibet, my freezing fingers would thank you.

3 Advice:

Anonymous Anónimo said...

Michael Fish eat yer heart out...

Tingri sunny and clear Sunday-Wednesday


marzo 18, 2006 6:33 p. m.  
Blogger Karen said...

Send her an email. She cannot read her blog in English.

marzo 20, 2006 4:49 a. m.  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

I sent one. :)

marzo 20, 2006 7:03 p. m.  

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