noviembre 18, 2005

Roast Dog

I took the best photograph of my life.

It was beautifully framed. The colours and textures were superb. The layout was perfectly proportioned. The contrast of the background charcoal blue smoke against the mid ground animals, and the foreground red lighting from the market canopies was delicious.

It was breathtaking.

And it depicted a scene of gruesome animal torture. A bamboo cage overfilled with overheated dogs in Tomohon market, next to the fire. Next to the fire so you could decide which one you wanted roasted on the spit.

So it's probably a good thing that a faulty camera memory card wiped all 320 photos I took in Indonesia.

2 Advice:

Anonymous Anónimo said...

My memory card occasionally does that to me; and occasionally photographs mysteriously re-appear, too.

noviembre 18, 2005 7:14 p. m.  
Blogger fishboy said...

Here's hoping that one doesn't re-appear..

noviembre 18, 2005 10:13 p. m.  

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