mayo 06, 2006

So where' ve you been? 28 Varanasi, India

From my Varanasi outbox:

Sorry for the group email...

Hey, you may get a bizarre Indian postcard of Varanasi. It's from me. I was delegating too fast too soon to the two 11 and 12 year old urchin helpers whom I employ to do all my dirty work*.

apprentice postmen

I asked them to check stamp prices, and buy stamps and cards, then leave me a day to write them, and they got over excited after I bought them a fanta, and posted the damn things blank!

Love Vanessa

* Yes, other tourists have pointed out to me that this is child labour.

1 Advice:

Anonymous Anónimo said...

Which is worst? Giving to underage beggars or exploiting child labour?
Happy travels.

mayo 07, 2006 8:46 p. m.  

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