junio 14, 2005


The first time I went overseas for any period of time, I took me a little travel first aid pack. Beyond plasters, the only time I needed anything medical was when a companion sliced his toe in two on a metal grating. Plasters were a wee bit useless.
Especially when it got infected, later, and went green.
What was most useful was a passing Egyptian with an unopened bottle of perfume who thought fast, and poured it ont the open wound, provoking much screaming and yelling, to the degree she ran off apologising, having just - probably - saved my friend's foot from amputation.

So. Necessities only. I did like the sign next to the backpaks in the YHA shop - first pack your bag. Then wear it out around your neighbourhood for four hours or so. Now go home, unpack, and think again.
For a start, a tupperware box the size of a small sausage roll should do for casing.
Things F-- has said should go into my first aid pack:
  1. plasters
  2. soluble aspirin, soluble paracetamol (both)
  3. glasses prescription, with a copy left online in web-based email account
  4. spray skin stuff for burns
  5. betadine (iodine stuff)
  6. blister kit
  7. immodium
  8. tweezers & scissors
  9. sewing kit
  10. earplugs
  11. HC45 (is that for bites?)cream
  12. eyemask
  13. antiseptic cream
  14. iodine
  15. antiseptic wipes
  16. bandage
Still sounds like quite a lot of things to me.... ?

2 Advice:

Blogger Karen said...

Something for insect bites and or skin breakouts when insect bites become obnoxious. Don't forget your tampons. Many countries have them but not all stores/pharmacy sell them. What is common would be the sanitary napkin, which, as P said, is like wearing a "damn diaper".

junio 17, 2005 1:46 a. m.  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Good point. I'm hoping that HC45 might be hydro cortisone, and might be for bites.

junio 17, 2005 12:21 p. m.  

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