junio 27, 2005


1. 50% off sale at Kathmandu! I pretty much bought the shop. They pressed every gadget button I possess. Ask me to show you my pen knife. Go on. Ask me.

2. I spent hundreds of pounds on new glasses and new lenses. I haggled, accidentally, by being rather crap, umming and ahhhing and changing my mind. I thoroughly recommend doing that on purpose, rather than out of tired exasperation, because the price dropped three times when I did so. Still cost me six hundred smackers though.
It occurs to me that spending too much money too fast is very easy. People make it very easy. They will continue to do so, without my especial effort in any way. (Quote: 'do you want frames with diamonds on, or gold logos?')

3. The dental surgery is becoming really long, really drawn out and really painful. I don't very much appreciate having teeth destroyed and then being asked if I want a crap repair for a few hundred, or a lasting repair for a few thousand pounds. Right after the optician thing, it felt like a miniaturised version of 'man in front of you wants to scare you into paying him £2500. Will you do it? Will you tell him to piss off?'
Wonder how many times in the next few years it will take for me to learn to tell him to piss off. My money won't last long at this rate.
I trust the guy doing the dental work, but every visit leads to a tripling of the bill at present.
My mouth hurts like fucking-billy-oh right now, and will do for another two weeks, till the next two hours of surgery. And it makes eating unpleasant. Life was made for the enjoyment of pleasures such as eating. This is not a good thing.

4. I checked out the garage at my parents' house, and helped clear out all of S--'s old stuff (that I swear I had permission to throw out). Cleared a third of the garage out, and it looks like all my stuff will fit in there without too much problem. S-- offered to help me move it, and C-- suggested paying some of my underemployed ex-students to help move stuff as well. What I need now is to decide on a potential sum which will guarantee P-- and T-- actually turn up to help if they say they will, though. Two days before I go is pretty late to be let down.

It's less than a month now. My next priority is getting someone to take my animals. And calming down. The panic levels are quite irrational by now.

2 Advice:

Anonymous Anónimo said...

A little healthy fear is good.


I've just finished "The Art of Pilgrimage" by Phil Cousineau. I wouldn't recommend it as a read-more-than-oncer but I'll bet it'll calm you down.

Or, you can just wait three weeks and then, the final inability to back out gracefully, the utter despair and the fear of leaving will hit and ... magically.. you'll be just fine.

I know this.

Or, I hope this. Because in 11 months I'll be doing it on a more permanent basis and you must soothe all MY fears, dammnit!

junio 27, 2005 3:35 a. m.  
Blogger Lectrice said...

Perhaps I'll have the answer by that point...

junio 27, 2005 9:07 p. m.  

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