over there
I passworded the other blog.
Email me to ask, if you need to read it. If I don't give it you, it isn't cos there's stuff about you in it, it's cos there's stuff about me that I'm not ready to share right now. Another time, I swear.
not a bloody travelogue
I passworded the other blog.
Email me to ask, if you need to read it. If I don't give it you, it isn't cos there's stuff about you in it, it's cos there's stuff about me that I'm not ready to share right now. Another time, I swear.
posted by Lectrice at lunes, abril 12, 2010
(scroll down for contact details)
Future Trips (advice still needed!)
Previous Trips
Ta-Da List<--!>
Write* to me:
1. Until early November:
Posta Restante,
Rua Marcílio Dias 160,
2. Until mid November:
Poste Restante,
La Poste,
Place Leopold Heder,
French Guiana,
c/o France, Europe (!!)
3. Until early December(ish):
Poste Restante,
Korte Kerkstraat 1,
Till January;
Jr Ortiz Arrieta 750,
2do Piso,
Chachapoyas -- Amazonas,
On Sending mail via Poste restante:
* Assume three weeks journey time for mail.
* Write in capitals, and underline the surname.
* Note on the front to hold it until 'date' (no US format dates, please).
* Uncollected mail = destroyed.
* Don't send valuables, or over 2 kg weight. It never gets there.
* If you don't recall my surname, email me and ask about it.
The number you dial depends on your country.
Be ready to key in my account number (2103935603)
From UK dial 0800-028-9653
From USA dial 0800 182 7643
From Ireland dial 1800-992-363
From France dial 0805 113 721
From Singapore dial 800-120-3480
From Holland dial 0800-020-3235
From Germany dial 0800 182 7643
From NZ dial 0800-445-108
From Oz dial 1800-150-812
From India dial 000-800-100-3004
From Canada dial 1866-626-9724
From Mexico dial 01800-088-5000
From Switzerland dial 0800-834-578
It doesn't work? blame NZ telephone systems... :)